Manufacturer Tasty Minstrel Games
Availability 2 in stock


Old price: £38.99 incl tax
Price: £27.75 incl tax

Embark is a game for 2-5 players, designed by Philip duBarry, and developed by Seth Jaffee. It lasts about 15 minutes per player, and could be described as a light-to-medium weight game.

In Embark, you and your friends simultaneously assign your voyagers to boats, then take turns assigning them jobs by placing them into specific berths in the boats. When a boat is full, it launches, carrying your voyagers to one of the islands in play, where your voyagers will start to perform the jobs to which they were assigned.

After six rounds of assigning voyagers and launching boats, the game ends, bonuses are tallied, and the player with the most points wins!

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