SKU SWX2CFG006 Availability 4 in stock Grappling Struts Grappling Struts Old price: £20.17 incl tax Price: £3.49 incl tax Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist Customers who bought this item also bought Separatist Alliance Damage Deck - Star Wars X-W... £4.20 incl tax Galactic Empire Damage Deck - Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 £4.40 incl tax Jek Porkins / Blue Squadron Escort (T-65 X-Wing) £2.99 incl tax Luke Skywalker / Red Squadron Veteran (T-65 X-W... £2.99 incl tax Inquisitors’ TIE Expansion Pack Star Wars X-Wing £17.10 incl tax < >