Manufacturer DnDice
Availability Out of stock

Picture Jasper Semi-Precious Stone Dice Set

Picture Jasper Semi-Precious Stone Dice Set
£80.00 incl tax
Jasper is usually associated with brown, yellow, or reddish colours, but may contain other opaque colours such as dark or mottled green and orange.

All of our semi-precious stones are hand crafted from the actual gemstone, so each dice will be as nature created the stone and be truly unique.

Every set of Semi-Precious stone dice come with a beautiful pendant of the same stone wrapped in a sterling silver clasp allowing you to show off your stone even when not at the game table.

We suggest, if possible, to see our dice in person at one of your local conferences prior to ordering online to get a full appreciation for our dice. Check here to inspect our dice in person!

We recommend you do not roll your semi-precious stone dice on a surface harder than they (i.e. glass table) and suggest you roll them on a dice tray to prevent chipping your dice.