SKU 103-70
Manufacturer Games Workshop
Availability 2 in stock

Datacards Hearthkyn Salvagers Kill Team

Datacards Hearthkyn Salvagers Kill Team
Old price: £19.00 incl tax
Price: £15.60 incl tax

Hearthkyn Salvagers are the experienced combat-surveyors of the Leagues of Votann. They are deployed to scout out hazardous locations, such as drifting space hulks or rad-blasted killzones, in search of wealth and resources.

This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Hearthkyn Salvagers in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.